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multiple tone中文是什么意思

用"multiple tone"造句"multiple tone"怎么读"multiple tone" in a sentence


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  • There are several widely used methods to acquire the frequency response graph , including single tone method , multiple tone method , noise impulse method and maximum length sequence signal impulse method
  • It will take some real biochemical alterations on the behalf of the mineral realms for a single mineral to hold multiple tones ; however this is coming and in particular as earth climbs more greatly towards a fourth dimensional frequency in the coming 100 year cycle
  • This article takes hanging off and wide fluctuation of transmition velocity of adsl as example , then analysis centers on the discerte multiple tone and the principle of channel load assignation . from analysis above article points out the root of adsl being sensible of noise signal . at last , reserches effects that window function and barrier effect on frequency and adopts fft to work out the noise power of adsl
用"multiple tone"造句  


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